

In my room
Late nights consumed by spending all my time in my room,
outside the world passes by my door
nothing to gain, nothing to lose,
nothing lost but also nothing scored
living in my own mind all day one can get complacent with being really bored.
Crying out for any connection complicated standards gives off a bad self impression but staying true to how I feel now all that is left is I must live with my own reflection.
Nothing hanging on the bare walls except the mirror I use to judge myself using other people as my standard and I never seem to stack up,
accepting the fact I'm just not destined for perfection I gave up the chase and laugh at the world as I start to Crack up.
Tears in my eyes from all of my back handed laughter making myself out to be the clown knowing I'm not the only thing in my life that is a total disaster and someday I might just take a chance and turn it all around but until that day in my room is where I can be found.