

It Doesn't
It doesn't shout
Knowing mild answer
Can turn away rage

It doesn't blurt out
When correction
Can be delivered with grace

It doesn't lash out
When discipline
Can be softly spoken

It leaves
When fight is about
To kickstart

It returns
When flame has been

It doesn't invalidate
Knowing emotions
Are raw and personal

It doesn't withdraw
When things go hard
And life gets tough

It quits
When things can't be
Worked out

It doesn't surrender
When solutions were
Sought out

It doesn't force to achieve
Something that's currently unattainable
When humility and modesty itself
Are the answers

It doesnt force to get something
When patience is method of winning

It doesn't sugarcoat
Just to tickle the ears of the fool
And make them even more fool

It only gives its energy
To those worthy
Of its time and power
Seeking and pursuing our potentials

It doesn't stab
When the soul is already weary and weak
Like smoldering wick

It cuts
When healing should take place -
A spiritual surgery

It stitches the deep
Emotional Lacerations
It binds up the broken hearts
And bones

It beats us up
When we are hard-headed
To reprove, to set things straight
To help us walk the path
Of righteousness

So that we become fully competent
Completely equipped for every good work!

It doesn't crush
Those who are already worn out
Burnt Out , Misled

It doesn't shout harshly with evil laugh
But it shouts victoriously against
All odds

It doesn't fail to serve
In good times and in bad
It also whisphers in city gates
In corner streets
Inviting us with a Refreshing
Life-Saving Words of Wisdom
From Above

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