

the air of silence
Here is my poem I came up with:
● In the quiet of the night,
Underneath the pale moonlight,
The world falls still and calm,
As if under a soothing balm.
The stars twinkle like diamonds,
Each one a story untold,
A silent symphony of light,
Guiding us through the night.
The trees sway gently in the breeze,
Whispering secrets to the trees,
A language only they understand,
A bond that spans both sea and land.
The nightingale begins to sing,
A melody that makes my heart take wing,
A song of love and longing,
A tale of dreams taking form.
The world may be asleep,
But in the night, secrets seep,
A world of magic and mystery,
Unfolding in front of thee.
© SPAR96