

45:7.6 Suffrage is universal on Jerusem among these three groups of citizenship, but the voteis differentially cast in accordance with the recognized and duly registered personal possession of mota – morontia wisdom. The vote cast at a Jerusem election by any one personality has a value ranging from one up to one thousand. Jerusem citizens are thus classified in accordance with their mota achievement.
Another day to do God’s will.
Make it better, be fulfilled.
As you work and play today,
Spread the Truth; make that your way.

Be upon the side of Good.
Play your part, do what you should!
Make this world a better place.
With Love is where I place my Faith.

Love is where we need to focus.
Faith in Love’s not Hocus Pocus!
Given time, Love’s going to win.
Love will always vanquish sin.

What do you want, good or bad?
The way some folks think’s, truly sad!
Stupidity should not e’er vote.
IQ is something we should note!

Perhaps someday, we’re going to learn
Voting should be something earned.
A PhD should get more say
Than a dropout, any day.

Still the dropout gets to vote
But PhD’s should play more notes.
An extra vote or two for learning.
I advocate more votes for earning.

Thank You, Father, there’re many ways
To improve our lives today.
Loving others, not just self
Is the way to Spirit wealth.
Paul Anderson

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