

Back To Myself
Back To Myself Again

It’s been a long road but I am slowly but surely getting back to myself again . It’s just a question of when !

Things have drastically changed and have been rearranged !

I have been lying in a deep, dark hole and my emotions have been out of control !
Life, sometimes can leave its burdens and take its toll!

Getting back to myself will take love and understanding to the wounded soul,giving strength to conquer every challenging goal !

Some days will feel like my heart will break, while others will be exciting and a piece of cake!

Getting back to myself again is like getting an ink refill to write poetry for the most perfect pen !

Getting back to myself again is moving forward and not looking back and to continue to get my life back on track !

With the golden sun shining down on me . I am back to myself again and I am free !

Jill4750 Aka Jillie Bee 🐝

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