

A widow.
I wish to be colored in red again. A red so passionate and so bright like my love was..
Not many years ago, I left all my life behind. My blood left me all alone in this neighborhood of so many wonders.
Not many decades ago, I was welcomed with vermillion on my head and yellows in my hand, not many decades ago I was loved by a man of so much honours.
My hands used to be filled with a new story that faded away very soon, every step I took had a melody of it's own. The hallway of our Kingdom was filled with a laugh of so much warmth.
With a veil always covering my beauty, i looked at him. His gaze would be as sharp as that of a wise man, I wondered why he called me his. We shared nothing in common, our blood never matched, our language of love was so different, our eyes spoke of a different story every day yet we were so tangled in this myth of life.
I was always covered with redness, a rose in my hand, a pinkness in my surrounding with my reddened cheeks, a mischievous chuckle from me and his questions circling me around.
He was a man of so much knowledge. My wisdom matched his interests. He never wore red but his lips did. His lips only had my taste, his hands had my touch in it, his presence had my scent in it..maybe we were in love afterall.
Not long ago, Yama was invited in our Mahal. My sire was so infatuated by him that he threw me out of his life abruptly. Not very long ago, I left all the redness behind, i lost my grin to him, all my yellowed hands are now filled with water of so much salt. I don't get to be called his anymore.
My heart still aches for my sire, I want to be his myth once again, I want to be colored in red by him again..

(note: inspired by the song "mohe rang do laal" , a bollywood song)

© aymenfazel