

I just couldn't
I have seen how some people think,
"I wonder who is going to cry when I die," and
"I wonder for how long will people remember me and miss me."
But when I tried to think the same,
I just couldn't.
I can't imagine anyone crying for me over me like missing me.
And bearing with the pain of my absence.
I wondered,
"How nice it could have been if only I never existed from the beginning to prevent the suffering of my absence?"
But again,
"Am I being selfish to think this way or am I being selfless?"
I wondered.
I can't think of an end to what I have got
"I sure am greedy."
But again I'm a human whose greed has no end.
But again what's the point of heart if I didn't feel overwhelmed by my own emotions?

Death was with Life,
and so was Pain with Love.
I realized "I sure do love people and how fortunate of me to have people who feel the same way as I do."
I am grateful.
© sparkling light