

The stars on your side of the world
​I tried my best but could only spot a few,

One above my terrace , one towards the east , one near that old barn , one far away from the moon .

I plucked out my fingers everyday , counting each one as they got visible, on a good day I could spot 4 , on a bad day none.

I live within the lush lights of city and bustle of traffic, where my surrounding is bright but the sky is infinitely dark .

It seems lonely and bland , mysterious and misunderstood, hoping someone would look hard enough to see the light admist the smoke ,
to see its beautiful star patterns dulled by the neon lights we hold.

As I sit here in-between the buildings of city where a few twinkling stars is all I see,
I hope there is someone out there in the mountains counting the rest hundreds for me .

So when we meet we won't be absolute strangers as I would tell you about the only bright star in the night away from the moon and you would tell me about the morning star that disappears too soon.

Keep counting the rest for me so when we meet you can tell me about all the ones you see on your side of the world,
whilst I can teach you to look harder.

© melody

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