

The Inquiry of the Soul
**The Inquiry of the Soul**

In the bustling room, a crowded affair,
Where strangers mingle without a care,
You approached with a smile, so warm, so bright,
A beacon of light in the dim evening light.

A nod, a greeting, a handshake firm,
Polite exchanges, no cause for concern.
But then your eyes, with a curious gleam,
Pierced through my guard, unraveling a seam.

A question posed, soft but profound,
In the clamor of voices, it was the only sound.
"Tell me, who are you beneath the surface?
What dreams do you chase, what purpose?"

I felt the ground shift beneath my feet,
In the space between us, my heart skipped a beat.
This was no ordinary conversation to hold,
But a dive into depths, a search for the soul.

Why ask me this, on our first hello?
Is it wisdom you seek, or merely a show?
Your words cut deep, like a surgeon’s knife,
Probing the essence of my very life.

Was it the tilt of your head, the arch of your brow,
That made me question here and now?
Or perhaps the tone, too earnest, too keen,
In the flickering light, too real it seemed.

I pondered the layers of my own reaction,
Was it instinctive fear or mere distraction?
For in your eyes, a mirror I saw,
Reflecting truths that left me raw.

My past, my pain, my guarded heart,
Laid bare before you, torn apart.
But how to respond, with tact and grace,
To this stranger who sought to know my face?

I could deflect, retreat, turn away,
Shroud my truth in the light of day.
Or dare to open, to share, to trust,
To let the guard down, if only for just.

With a breath, a sigh, I met your gaze,
In that moment, a decision made.
"I am a seeker, a dreamer, a soul in flight,
Chasing shadows, yearning for light."

"My dreams are vast, my fears profound,
I seek to rise, yet oft I’m bound.
By doubts, by past, by unseen chains,
Yet hope remains, through joy and pains."

Your smile widened, a soft understanding,
In the crowded room, a bond expanding.
"Thank you," you said, with voice sincere,
"For sharing your truth, for facing your fear."

And thus began a dance of words,
Two souls connecting, undeterred.
By the strangeness of the circumstance,
Or the risk inherent in taking a chance.

For sometimes a question, though deeply personal,
Is a bridge to another, a journey infernal.
To understand, to be understood,
To find connection in this human flood.

So here’s to the courage to ask and to tell,
To break the facade, to break the spell.
Of silence, of fear, of staying unknown,
To build a bond, to not be alone.

In the inquiry of the soul, we find our place,
A deeper connection, a moment of grace.
For though it’s a first impression we make,
It’s the truth we share that’s at stake.

A question blooms, a delicate thorn,
In the garden of this first impression.
It pricks my mind, leaves me torn,
Is this just my own transgression?

Your eyes, they hold a silent plea,
Yet the words they leave me shaken.
Is it too soon for such intimacy,
Or am I simply mistaken?

A smile that hides intentions deep,
Masked by the veneer of politeness.
In my heart, secrets I keep,
Guarded by walls of cautious brightness.

You ask me of my past, my fears,
A probe into my sacred space.
It feels too soon, yet here we are,
In this raw and vulnerable place.

Is it curiosity, a genuine quest,
To know the soul behind the face?
Or is it merely a test,
To see if I’ll fall from grace?

I wonder if you see my hesitation,
If you sense my inner flight.
In the glow of first infatuation,
Shadows grow, fueled by fright.

My voice is caught, a silent scream,
As your question hangs in the air.
Am I a book for you to deem,
Open and laid bare?

Your laughter is a gentle chime,
Meant to soothe, to reassure.
But can trust grow in such short time,
When the heart feels so unsure?

I weigh your words, their subtle weight,
Wondering if I should unveil.
This first impression, is it fate,
Or a prelude to a tale of betrayal?

I think of answers I could give,
Safe and guarded, shallow streams.
Yet to truly live and let live,
I must dive into deeper dreams.

“Why do you ask?” I finally say,
Meeting your gaze with measured calm.
Your smile is like the breaking day,
A touch of warmth, a hint of balm.

You shrug, a playful, gentle ease,
“No reason, just getting to know.”
But can curiosity appease,
The caution in my heart’s undertow?

This dance of words, a fragile thing,
Balancing on the edge of truth.
In the space where secrets cling,
There lies the innocence of youth.

I could retreat, build my walls,
Shield my heart from prying eyes.
But something in your voice calls,
A whisper beneath the lies.

Perhaps it’s not irrational,
To guard the self so fiercely tight.
Yet, maybe in this first impressional,
There’s a spark, a fleeting light.

So I answer, with careful grace,
Letting a glimpse of truth unfold.
Hoping that in this shared space,
There’s a story waiting to be told.

“It's personal, this question you pose,
And it feels too soon to reveal.
But maybe, as our friendship grows,
We’ll find what’s genuine and real.”

Your nod, a simple, kind reply,
Acknowledges the line we tread.
In this moment, beneath the sky,
A silent understanding spread.

So we continue, side by side,
With questions light and answers slow.
In the dance where hearts confide,
Learning when to stay, when to let go.

For in the end, it’s trust we build,
Brick by brick, and day by day.
Through questions asked and fears stilled,
In the light of love’s soft sway.

So, ask your questions, gentle, kind,
And I’ll answer as I can.
Together, let’s explore and find,
The depth and breadth of our lifespan.

For though it feels too personal now,
With time and care, it might just be,
The path we take to learn how,
To share a true, profound intimacy.