

Ribbon of Loneliness
I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who I am. From the earliest memories of my childhood, I can remember feeling a sense of segregation from the world around me, a feeling that only intensified as I grew older. It’s not a loneliness born out of a lack of companionship or the absence of loved ones; it’s deeper, more profound. It’s a solitary shroud that envelops my soul, subtly reminding me of my isolation.

As I walk through the bustling city streets, I often find myself observing others with a sense of both awe and envy. Couples strolling hand in hand, faces ablaze with warmth, and friends sharing laughter and secrets without walls around their hearts. They seem so blissfully unaware of the presence of the ribbon that ties me to an ever-distant land. They do not comprehend how even in a crowded room, I can be lost in my own solitude.

I’ve spent endless nights poring over the mysteries of the universe, hoping to find solace in the cosmic vastness. But the stars, those distant flickers of light, only serve as a stark reminder of our insignificance in the grand scheme of things. For what is loneliness but a silent void, a seemingly insurmountable distance between us and the world?

Yet, perhaps it is precisely this ribbon that has shaped me into the person I am today. It has granted me a unique perspective, an insight into the human condition that few others possess. I can feel the vulnerability etched onto the faces of strangers and hear the unspoken stories whispering through the air. I have learned to appreciate the beauty in the smallest of moments, the kindness in a stranger’s smile, and the fleeting connections that pulse briefly like fireflies on a summer’s eve.

In the solitude of my own thoughts, I have excavated the depths of my soul. I have unraveled the intricacies of my desires and fears, baring myself to the rawness of life. Loneliness has become my silent companion, the echo in my every breath, and the melancholy undertone that colors my existence. It has compelled me to seek solace in the arts, to create worlds where loneliness finds its place and purpose. Through my words and brushstrokes, I dare to bridge the chasm that separates us all.

And so, I have embraced this ribbon of loneliness as a part of who I am. It is not a burden to bear but a woven thread that gives texture to the tapestry of my life. It has taught me that even in the most desolate moments, there is still beauty to be found, and companionship to be forged. It is a reminder that we are all interconnected, tied together by the longing for understanding and the shared experience of the human condition.

I shall walk the world with my ribbon of loneliness trailing behind me, whispering its melancholic symphony. It is this ribbon that has taught me empathy, perseverance, and the power to turn darkness into luminescence. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a testament to my own resilience. And even if I am destined to wander through life with this eternal ribbon, I choose to embrace it, to weave its strands into the fabric of my being.
© Jevanjee