

So well-gardened is your face—
a flowerbed to grace my presence.
Preened and proper, effortlessly so;
natural beauty in its essence.

At the bottom of your garden,
a single row of crimson tulips
to line the tips of your sun-risen lips.

Then entering the scene,
a gentle scent of damson and lemongrass
lingers balmy upon the nose;
singing soft, serene in early springtime,
wafting to the sways of budding rose.

Peach in appearance
are these ripe and rosy cheeks
(albeit a little on the nose)
though an aptly made comparison
for your countenance
where verdure grows.

Your willow tree of life
found at the pinnacle of your groves,
decorates the precipice
with foliage in shades of auburns and mauves.

And shading too,
your fountains of youth,
not just one, but two.
How blessed to gaze
into the watery depths
of your welkin soul—
alighting my nocturnal mind
and melting my hibernal heart
to bring welcome balance, equinoctial.

© Joseph Chin
#nature #beauty #love #soulmate #God #heaven #garden