

I wish I could Love the way God has Loved Me.

To forgive and treat others kindly even when they present themselves to be judgemental, condemning and mean.

To have time and energy to help and to bless rather than spending time on distractions and wishful thinking.

What we need more than anything is to Love and be Loved; to allow it to flow as a River.

But there are so many Lusts and it can often be easier to believe we are entitled to higher positions.

It seems more desirable to be served than to serve, yet it is and will always be more blessed to give than to receive.

If there were no Sin, no self-centered, cruel intentions, no Evil Knowledge of any kind, no oppressive principalities, it would be natural to Love.

Yet unfortunately, Pride, Ambition, Envy, Greed, Lust and the like blind our Hearts from seeing that most dreams are fool's errands and a life lived for pleasure and power and wealth and fantasy is a life of Futility.

I guess no matter what path we choose, the journey provides trials and temptations.

If we embrace Trials we learn endurance, strengthen our character and are encouraged by hope.

If we give into Temptations we are enslaved by our own desires until all we are is what we desire. We burn and yearn and crave and complain and lie and steal.

Love is assuredly a much higher purpose in life than any fleshly desire.