

Stay, I said
To my dark days and lies
For they are better than the rainbows,
And the colors of my sky.
Stay, I said
To the universe and its tunes
It spun me around and lifted me up,
A dream I was, on a lousy afternoon.
Stay,I said
To the sun that's wooing the earth,
It giggled and beamed brighter,
And traded places with the moon,
Stay, I said
To the moon and its stars,
It laughed and waned
Leaving me alone.
With lonely spells rocking my broken heart.
Stay, I said
To the rivulets and brooks,
But they kept running for miles
To become an ocean,to sculpt its tide.
Stay, I said
To the lofty Alps,
They shrugged and looked down,
Down into the abyss,
Of their never ending frowns.
Stay, I said
To the leaf i held,
It smiled and reddened,
Turned to dust,
To dance around with autumn.
Stay, I said
To the buds,
They blushed, they bloomed
And wilted,
To perfume my wounds.
Stay I said
To the Caterpillar,
It cried and broke its shell,
Wings it grew, in my tale.
Stay, I said
To the ink in my pen,
But it splashed itself on the paper,
Writing words I never said.
Stay, I said
To all the words I ever wrote.
They nodded and looked at you.
"Forever " you whispered.
Forever, the cracking walls echoed.

-A Sanguine Vow, halfburntcigs