

🌺Poetic Talisman!🪶
With the stray gust of heavenly
fragrant air,
Creating waves and tides up
in the sky there,
Akin colourful mantilla of the Greek
Goddess ascending high,
Having received relief, solace and
respite, I take a deep sigh,
From nothingness, perhaps,
from nowhere,
Honestly speaking, from
unknown sphere,
My thoughts take birth, bloom
and rise,
As if they are Magi's gift or
divine surprise,
They come descending,
Creating enchanting art works and mesmerizing scenes,
Directing my inner thoughts towards un-explored horizons, towards infinity,
Meanwhile I feel, poetry running
through my veins,
Experiencing, my soul transcends
towards divinity!
—Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal