

Free, I'll always be me.
Flying beetles,
Wondering moths,
Graceful butterflies.

Something about the way you soar,
I look at you and see a reflection of my soul,
Swear I can feel the wings on my back,
Something different in my heart,
I wish to be you,
So free and wild,
Fumbling among new flowers and greens,
Free, just let me be me.

Howling wolves,
Scavenging raccoons,
Lazing cats.

Something about the way you trot,
I know you're a part of my soul,
I watch you prowl,
I watch you howl,
I see the way you laze in the sun,
I look at you and can feel my paws,
A swaying tail,
Ears on my head.
I wish to be you,
Wild and free,
Crawling through bushes and trees,
Free, just let me be me.

Flush forests,
Blooming flowers,
Splashing puddles.

I feel like me when I'm running in this fantasy,
Rather two feet or four paws I'm still going to be free,
Jump in puddles,
Trot in waters,
Climb trees,
Smelling the flowers,
Free, just let me be me.

Animal soul,
Human body,
You'll always be a part of me.

I'll collect my trinkets,
Hide my treasures,
Howl at the moon,
And meow at the sun,
Free, just let me be me.

I'm always going to be free,
No matter how you try and trap me,
Free, I'll always be me.

© ●•ßugz{Før}Bra¡!ns•●