

My Final Farewell
I have done a lot of thinking
and I have made up my mind
This world is not for me
So I must leave it all behind
I wanted you to know this
So maybe you won't forget
That I will always love you
But I have so much regret
I really wish I could say
That I could change it all
But you know I can not
So, no need for me to stall.
This message I am leaving,
Serves as my last goodbye
I know this is my fate
So please dear, don't you cry
Your life will still go on
Just like it's always done
Stay strong and move forward
And know my time was done
Never doubt your value
Remember what you're worth
You are someone special,
I've know that since your birth.
Farewell now, my special One
It is time for me to go...
Just always keep me in your heart
And bless my broken soul.
© Manda.Humphrey
#goodbye #farewell #writcopoet #heartache

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