

Nest 🪺
I built a nest around my heart
for which to nurture it;
hide it from all the terrible
creatures and parasites of the world.

My heart, it started shelled at first,
protective shield defending it
against the festering elements;
feral actions and snapping words.

With a tender touch, in this nest
I did rest my foetal heart
into its careful clutches.
This nest, much like my forming heart,
was in its infancy—
but taking the greatest of attention
to craft it lovingly;
t’was a shelter nonetheless.

I wove dense within this nest
my thickened, weatherproof skin;
the twigs and debris
that fell groundward
from the tree of me.
Well-thatched, incubating
my warming heart
and then my heart,
it hatched.

All covered beak to claw
in fledgling love
and a down so soft
it can be barely felt at all.

Ah yes—
this is a fine nest indeed;
the finest in the land.
Perched within my branching ribs,
yet this heart cannot be caged;
boxed in by knotted wooden crib slats,
nor held captive for all its days.

No; to truly, fully live
it must depart for trees afar;
to woodlands and the forest
where each birdhouse door is left ajar.
A home for my own
and every other feathered heart.
Near and dear, I’ll hold that nest
I made, so I could grow my wings of love
that now sing songs of peace
with each and every harmonic dove,
and a crown, shown proud;
its golden crest.

© Joseph Chin
#love #selflove #nature #beauty