

A simple fantasy or wish fulfillment,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,
Soon it will become a reality...

Communing with nature, she allows me to taste the honeycomb. Caught with sticky fingers, embarrassed, I am not alone. Curious to calculate cost-effectiveness, of the colorful, beautiful rainbow. It's not a bride, when the pot of gold's location, was already known. Allow me to investigate the apple tree, Am the creator of fruity jams, the apple preserves, made just for me. Meanwhile, I strategically observe the tiny ants, moving large pieces bigger than themselves. Beauty hasn't escaped me, I am the fashion advisor for the butterfly. Spreading themselves, the amazing colors and their delicate wings synchronize. Allow me to audition the talented hummingbird, practicing singing along. As I vote for the candidate the wise old owl, the hoot, maintains perfect sounds. Romanticizing about nature, she introduces herself with a sunny smile. Then I count my blessings, knowing she's alive.
© Daniel Mason