

Why The Silence??

I reach out with a question in mind
Seeking answers, a response to find
But the more I need to hear from you
The more you remain silent, it's true
Leaving me with uncertainty
And a mind that's filled with anxiety

I wait for a word, a sign, a clue
Something to guide me, to see me through
But the silence is deafening, it's real
And the more I need to hear, the more I feel
A void that's growing, a space that's wide
Where your response should be, but isn't inside

I try to be patient, to give you time
To gather your thoughts, to formulate a line
But the silence stretches, it goes on and on
And the more I need to hear, the more I feel alone
Left to wonder, to doubt, to fear
If I'll ever hear from you, if you'll ever be clear

I search for a reason, a explanation why
You remain silent, and I can't deny
The feeling of frustration, of disappointment too
The more I need to hear, the more I feel blue
A sense of isolation, a feeling of pain
A longing for a response, a plea in vain

I reach out again, with a hope in my heart
That this time, you'll respond, we'll never be apart
But the silence continues, it's a heavy weight
And the more I need to hear, the more I feel fate
Is playing a trick on me, a cruel joke
Leaving me with nothing, but a hollow cloak

I try to move on, to focus on something new
But the silence haunts me, it's a ghost that I can't shake
The more I need to hear, the more I feel stuck
In a limbo of uncertainty, a never-ending loop
Where the only sound is the echo of my plea
A cry for a response, a call that's not free

I wonder if you know, the power of your silence
The impact it has, the weight it makes me carry
The more I need to hear, the more I feel weak
And the silence becomes, a burden that's unique
A load that's crushing me, a weight that's hard to bear
A constant reminder, of the silence that's there

I'll keep on waiting, I'll keep on trying
To hear from you, to get a response that's not dying
But the silence is a wall, that's hard to climb
And the more I need to hear, the more I feel like I'm losing my prime
A sense of purpose, a feeling of drive
A need for a response, that's hard to survive

I'll hold on to hope, I'll keep on believing
That one day, you'll respond, and my heart will start receiving
The answers I need, the words I need to hear
And the silence will break, and my heart will be clear
Of the doubts and fears, of the anxiety and pain
And I'll find peace, and love, and a heart that's not in vain.
© Asiamah Frederick