

Hello, hello can you hear me
Hello hello can you see it
Hello hello can you feel it
I heard the good die young
Please what happen to the bad
I saw the sane getting hatters
Please what happen to the mad
Can you feel the pain of negroes
I guess not because you're superior
We think we're free from slavery
But no we ain't free from murdering
We ought to live together with peace
We suppose to relate well and live
But no the society set a difference
The background ain't the same
kids sees you and run for their live
Suppose you're with gun
The negroes ain't slave
The negroes want freedom
The negroes want justice
We are black
We are proud of our skin
We are proud of our race
We are proud of who we are
RIP to our brothers that we've lost

Write this for our brother that was murdered last week by a group of cop in the US