

Chapter 2 : A glimmer of HOPE

"Shekhar's boyish charm and eager smile won over the cabaret owner, who offered him a job as a dishwasher. It wasn't glamorous, but it was a start. For a few rupees a day, Shekhar scrubbed plates and glasses, his mind wandering to Puja, who waited for him in their tiny room. The space was barely large enough for a bed and a small table, but Shekhar had decorated it with scraps of fabric and flowers, trying to make it feel like home. Puja spent her days huddled in that room, her eyes fixed on the door, waiting for Shekhar's return. At night, they'd sit together on the bed, holding hands, and dream of a better life, one where they could leave the struggles of Calcutta behind."

"As Shekhar balanced the tray of drinks and dishes, his eyes scanned the tables, searching for the correct destination. Table 7, a corner booth shrouded in shadows, was his target. He approached cautiously, sensing something unusual. The patron, a suave figure in a black suit, gestured for the tray. Shekhar placed the dishes down, and as he turned to leave, his fingers brushed against something metallic. A gold ring and an envelope, hidden beneath the plate. The patron's eyes locked onto his, and Shekhar felt a shiver run down his spine. 'For you,' the man whispered, his voice low and mysterious. 'A gift, and a message. Read it, and come find me.'"