

Your Destiny

A product
of environment
and desire,
Coupled with
right timing
to seek and

If it’s your time
to take flight;
new tacks
and tracks
to transpire,
How might
one bid aid
which you

If your next steps
are opaque and gray
Perhaps it’s best
to ponder and pray...

To the one Divine
I turn for aid
Who from the Cross
guide me my trade.

Response to my interpretation of reading parts of ”The World of Michelangelo” by Robert Coughlan.

As the young artist Michelangelo was somewhat dismissed and discharged from his fathers care as Michelangelo’s pursuit as an Italian marble artistic carving tradesmen was not in his father’s favor. The prayer in this poem is an adaptation of a similar poetic prayer written by Michelangelo in the book reference.

One last Michelangelo quote to part with;
“My children, will be the works I leave behind.
For even if they are of little value, they will last a long time.”