

I know love exists, because I exist. and I am full of it.

I know I'm full of love because of how I can find the true beauty in everyone, no matter their shape, their size, their race, or their features. everyone is beautiful to me.

I know I am full of love because of how I try to find the good in even the worst people. I try to see that they act the way they do because their soul has not yet been healed or understood

I know I am full of love because I feel my love for the little things like the trees and the flowers

I know I am full of love because I admire all animals from afar, their beauty is unique and uncomparable.

I know I am full of love because i can find the beauty in this cruel world. I can find the innocence and joy of even the worst situations

I know I am full of love because I can still see and admire the dullest rainbows even if they're outshined by the brighter ones

love like yours exists. because you exist. you can find that love if you look hard enough.

© sleepydigital