

children found a dead body part 1
this story is from a village. village was named chamak. in that village there used to be a group of kids, they used to play everyday at their field .one day they were playing with the ball in there field a kid called ramesh threw the ball out of the field near the banyan tree. people used to say the tree is haunted because of what all of them were afraid of going them but that was the only ball they were having, so they said ramesh to go there or bring them a new ball, at that time manish did not have money so he had to go and bring the ball ,when he went there he say the ball right below the tree he went tere slowly making no noise, scared ramesh picked up the ball and was about to go back.....suddenly he saw something shining just like a coin, ramesh became greedy and went back there to pick up the coin... yes it was a coin but ramesh felt that something was hanging up, he say towards the up and was shocked ...
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