

Life is a type of spiral wheel , as we return to the same place from where we started one day. Same goes for our planet earth cause its a sphere too.

But the most interesting fact is that we human beings change. Let's make it clear , I mean to say that when we had begun our journey we were different and now though we are standing in the same place still we are different.

Change is the only constant thing in our world which goes on with time.

Oh my god this time , is another problem in life , what we say is time heals every wound but that's wrong. We are the one who learns how to reside with the pain whereas the whole credit is taken by this time.
Often I used to think that everything in this world is so messed up. Someone does charity to keep up his reputation whereas some does for their own happiness. Ultimately the same thing is done by both the sectors of people yet the intentions matter more, isn't it ???
Sometimes life made us stand in such a circumstance where neither we can look back nor we can move forward until and unless the problem is solved. And what we do , we snatch our hairs about what to do. We forget that life is a trial and trials can never be easy. We can't accept ease form our own life.
Talking about ease , people always want themselves to be beautiful, they are so stupid. God is the ultimate power then how can his creation be ugly. God olny knows when people will learn to embrace their beauty.

Note :- Friends I just wrote what I was feeling. Well , comment if you like it. Please say that if you got any piece of advice from here.

© Rishika Bera