

Accidental Murder 🩸
Warning ⚠️: this story has murder, violence, kissing

Chapter 1

Blood shot 💉

Avery,Max, Kasey,Chase and Ian are reckless teenagers only the age of 18 years old a large friend group that no one could ever break . They would often go to a abandon house on Fridays after school at 6 pm sharp They would go there to smoke , drink etc It was 6 pm and they were arriving to the abandon house in the middle of nowhere. They never knew who ør what lived there before it was there hangout spot. 'Sup dawg' yelled Chase to Ian 'sup' Ian yelled back 'Kasey: it's been awhile'' I know right ' said Max 'Avery: let's get started before it gets dark Chase '. After a few drinks Max really needed to used the restroom. She had ask Kasey to come with her because she was scared (btw max is a girl ) while using the restroom it started to rain so Max had ask Kasey to come in the restroom stall by this time she had already finished using the restroom . It was a little awkward because the stall was a tiny stall with only a little of room to move around , so they would often touch each other. ' Max :I'm sorry for being a bad friend' 'Kasey: you're not a bad friend' 'Max: I left you right there! right there when you needed me the most ''I forgave you a long time ago 'sighed Kasey. 'Your so bea- beautiful'said Max ' are you ok?' Said Kasey worriedly ' Max : of course I am love~' 'were not together' said Kasey with a confused face 'Max: but I love you ' 'Kasey: it's ok I love you too wait wa-' . Kasey was cut short by Max they made out for what seem like forever, after coming out of the stall they heard a loud bang but they had no idea what was çømìñg.

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