

Our fate 3
John was surprised to see the situation he met Baaj. He was surprised to see Baaj of all people, leaning on the shoulder of someone, a lady for that matter. All Baaj's friends knew him as someone who doesn't like women not to talk of moving close to them. John couldn't ask Anna about how the whole thing happened, he hurried to take Baaj inside the car and then he drove off leaving the poor girl on the streets.
Anna was dumbfounded about the whole senerio that just happened when John got there, she was surprised that he just took Baaj and drove off just like that. She was happy that they would meet again because John forgot to collect Baaj's phone from her so she was happy that she was going to get an apology from them when they later come for the phone. She went inside and continued to party.
John pulled over in front of Baaj's house and carried him out of the car inside the house. John carried him inside his room and put him in bed then he locked the door and entered his car and drove to his own house.
The next day, John was the first person Baaj woke up to see early in the morning. Baaj asked him what happened last night. John took his time to explain everything to Baaj, then he advised him that he might be going through a lot but drinking and depression will not solve the problem.
Baaj knew John had seen the test results and he can no longer hide things from him again, so he explained everything to him. Baaj was surprised to hear what happened last night from John. He hated himself for what he did. Baaj has always been a proud guy who detests low life ladies because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Baaj asked John for his phone, he wanted to call the office that he won't be able to come to work for that day. John told him that his phone wasn't with him and that he should check his pockets. They searched for the phone but they couldn't find it. Whilst they were searching for the phone, John's phone rang and was surprised to see the caller to be Baaj. John then realized that the lady from last night picked Baaj's call when he called him. John picked the call and the speaker told him that if they want to get the phone,they must come to the address she would text to them. John agreed. John explained to Baaj that the phone was with the lady from last night and she wanted them to come to an unknown place to collect the phone. Baaj was already burning with anger where he stood, he was angry that a common lady will be ordering him around, he told John to track the lady down and get her arrested but John told him that it wouldn't be a proper way to behave. John received the text aníd he grabbed his car keys and they drove off to the texted address.
They got the address and were able to locate the place easily. Anna called them that she was coming to where they are, so they stood there in the sun for like 30 minutes and this was done deliberately by Anna because she lives close to where they and stood and she was able to see them through her windows. So when she was contented, she went to meet them. As Baaj saw her coming, he let out a big smile on his face.

© Ayomi✍️