

You are driving down a main road during your road trip when you come across a town that does not appear on any map. Residents of the town insist that they have had no contact with the outside world since several decades ago. The architecture looks rather vintage, and the feeling is that it has somehow remained unaffected by time. The people are friendly but suspicious, and something in the atmosphere cannot be explained. You notice, as you walk through the town, that there are absolutely no modern facilities in the town: cell phone signal, electricity poles, and all the cars seemed to be from the middle of the last century. You stop at a small diner where a wrinkled old lady with kind eyes serves you a meal tasting from another era. You decided to spend that night among the small village at an inn run by one Thomas, who told tales about this town's history. He spoke of an event that happened years ago, something that caused the town to be forgotten altogether by the outside world. As you listen, you will realize that there are no children in this town; there are only adults who speak of something in hushed tones they call "The Night of the Disappearance."
© kanishkadivakar💞