

The Enchanted Forest
9 May 2024 at 6:21PM
10 May 2024 at 6:03 AM

Once upon a time, far beyond rolling hills and sparkling lakes, there existed an ancient forest.
This forest was magically alive.
Leaves whispered secrets.
Flowers danced and listened to melodies.
Trees were as tall as guardians of forgotten spells.

At the heart of this mystical forest lies a gnarled oak tree named, Eldrith.
Eldrith watched the centuries pass.
Her bark was etched with the scars of countless battles between light and darkness.
She was the guardian of the forest's most precious secrets: the hidden portals.

The portal was said to lead to realms beyond imagination, where dreams materialized and reality blurred into fantasy.
Knowing that whoever had the power to control the portal and determine their destinies, Eldrith fiercely protected it.

One moonlit night, a young wanderer, named Lyra stumbled into the forest.
Her eyes widened when she beheld the luminescent mushrooms.
Their flashes illuminated her path.
Lyra had heard tales of the Enchanted Forest, but never believed them to be true.
She stood on the threshold of magic.

Eldrith's ancient voice echoed through the mist.
"Who dares to intrude into my domain?"

Lyra stepped forward, her heart racing, "I seek adventure, wit, and reality-bending places."

Oak studied her.
"You seek the portal, child. But beware—it grants both blessings and curses."

Lyra nodded. "I accept the risk."

Eldrith's roots shifted, revealing a circular stone adorned with ancient symbols.
"Step into the portal, and it will take you where your heart desires."

Lyra hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the stone.
The world blurred, and she found herself in a kingdom of floating islands, each harbouring its own magic.
She climbed on the back of a winged serpent, tasted stardust, and danced with moonbeams.

But every joy came with a price.
The more Lyra explored, the more she lost touch with her original world.
Her memories gradually faded, and her homesickness grew day by day.
She met other wanderers—some revelled in their fantasies, others mourned their lost lives.

One day, Lyra encountered a mysterious figure—an old woman with eyes like galaxies.
"You seek your way back," said the woman.
"But the portal demands sacrifice."

"What must I give?" Lyra asked.

The woman's laughter echoed. "A memory, a dream, or a piece of your soul. Choose wisely."

Lyra pondered.
She had glimpsed wonders beyond imagination, but her heart ached for her family, her childhood laughter, and the scent of her mother's apple pie.

In the end, she surrendered her favourite memory: the day she danced with fireflies in her grandmother's garden.
As the memory faded, the portal glowed brighter.

When Lyra stepped back onto Eldrith's roots, she wept.
The forest welcomed her, but she was forever changed.
She carried the weight of her sacrifice, yet her eyes sparkled with newfound wisdom.

Eldrith whispered, "You are now a part of the forest, Lyra. Guard its secrets well."

And so, Lyra became the next guardian, her laughter blending with the rustling leaves.
She watched over the portal, guiding lost souls and weaving tales of wonder.

And if you ever venture into the enchanted forest, listen closely—you might hear the echo of Lyra's laughter, carried by the wind.

© Ruth Hor