

"A Pigeon Coos, 'Memento Mori'."
Feathers drifted to the ground so slowly they seemed to be suspended in the air. The sight would've been pretty if I hadn't just witnessed a small gray pigeon get sucked beneath the wheels of the red trolley a few feet away from me.

As the black, white, and gray feathers fluttered down, my gaze settled on the bird's yellow eye. The head lay on the tracks, red gunk smeared at its neck like thick paint on a clean canvas. It was all that was left.



***I remember vividly how one moment the bird was standing on the tracks and then in the next moment it wasn't. The trolley (train) whooshed on by and a puff of feathers poofed out at all of us standing there like a firework. I don't remember what age I was, I know I was young, but I don't think I'll ever forget that moment.***

© J.M.M.Powell