

The door creaks. It makes an unbearable sound like a broken cart wheel at the supermarket or breaks on a car of a careless owner. Whenever I need to go somewhere, the door gives me away. Caught red handed and with the face of unease. The siren echoes throughout the halls like a moaning ghost in the dead of night. It haunts me. I can almost hear it even when it's not opening.

It's in the sound of people entering the house. It's in the sound of sitting at the table for family game nights. It's in the sound of grocery store outings and nighttime drives, so loud and incurable. It's even in the sound of crickets at night while everyone is sound asleep and I am kept awake with the creaking. I can't escape it.

Like my brain is on fire while I'm submerged in the sea. I should be able to enjoy myself more in life, but the creaking door follows me. And it won't let me rest. Perceptually perturbed at no fault of those around me. It's a sound simply stuck in my head. This door is my curse, a karma undeserved, and there is no exit.


© J.M.M.Powell