

plastic pollution : in water bodies a serious problem.
"Plastic is the most destructive weapon than a nuclear bomb or an atom bomb, its impact shall remain for centuries on the future generation” (Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar)

Plastic is a non-biodegradable material; it does bury into soil or water and it’s impact is worse when it is burned. It is harmful not only for the humans but for animals and plants as well. Many animals, birds and sea creatures have died due to plastic pollution. Plastic waste is filling up our oceans and is not only destroying "Marine Life" but is invading food chain also.
Plastic pollution in sea has almost crossed worrying levels and requires immediate and significant action to stop such waste from reaching the world's oceans. If the plastic waste continues to flow into the oceans at the current rate, then in the coming years ocean plastic will outweigh all the fishes in the sea. Turtles, Seals and other marine animals are badly affected by plastic. In other words, "we have disturbed the earth in such a way that according to one report, there will be more plastic in oceans than fishes by 2050". Leonardo DiCaprio (an actor and environmental activist) has rightly said: “Plastic pollution is a global issue: killing wildlife, contaminating our oceans and waters, and lasting far longer than it is used.”
Now the question that arises here is: how does plastic effect? Plastic releases harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater and other sources of water. As a result, it causes a range of potentially harmful effects on the species that drink the (polluted) water. This harmful enemy' has spread over world wide. Some regions, such as Mediterranean, the east China and yellow sea, already contains dangerous levels of plastic, while others are also at the risk of becoming increasingly polluted in the future. We have forgotten this serious issue, but floods merely reminded us of the scale of plastic pollution downstream. Finally, people begin to aks questions: where did all of this plastic come from? The simple answer is that the plastic is carried by flood waters from wherever we, as users, decide to discard it. What we have seen is a pattern of mass production of mainly single use plastics, a lack of recycling practices, businesses and the government allowing the plastic monster to produce destructive items. UN SecriGeneral, Mr António Guterres, has rightly said that “Plastic waste is now found in the most remote areas of the planet. It kills marine life and is doing major harm to communities that depend on fishing and tourism.” Similarly, it is apt to quote Marco Lambertini (Director General of WWF International):“Not only are plastics polluting our oceans and waterways and killing marine life – it’s in all of us and we can’t escape consuming plastics.”
We, as consumers, are accepting plastic as a need of modern life. But it has pushed all of us to accept a path that leads to destruction of the living world. Now it the time we must take action (and should) enact own till-point campaigns by refusing plastic bags, this never be enough. The responsibility lies, with mega corporations who produce this problem for their personal profit. We should say no to plastics not only on Earth Day but Everyday.
Water is one of the significant treasures that nature has bestowed us with. It has a great importance not only for human life, but without it no life on earth can exist: be it plants, animals or small insects, all are dependent on water.
Our Religion (Islam) also forbids us from wasting or misusing the natural resources and destroying the environment and the natural ecosystem. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the conservation of environment by preventing it from any kind of destruction. Therefore, conserving the environment is a religion duty of every Muslim.
Polluting drinking water sources, such as rivers, streams and even oceans with plastic waste, human fecal matter, industrial and kitchen waste is a sin. But ironically our religious scholars do not speak about this sin publicly. In fact, all religions prohibit contaminating water bodies. The Prophet (PBUH) warned the people of the dangers of drinking from or bathing in contaminated water.
As human beings, we have been given the title of "Crown of the Creations" (Ashraf al-Makhluqat); therefore, we must declare that there should be end to the use of single use products. It's the responsibility of each and evey individual. Accordingly, we can reduce plastic Pollution in the oceans by using following measures: (1) Reduce single use plastics in your daily life; (2) Recycle properly; (3) We must use alternatives, like cloth bags and paper bags instead of plastic bags; (4) Not to throw the inorganic waste in water bodies; (5) We must avoid drinking bottle water which contributes largely to plastic Pollution; and (6) the Government must put complete ban on the use of plastic.
It is high time that we think about the water bodies--be it streams, rivers or oceans; that we think and care about the marine life; that we give a rethought on the use of, and the harmful effects and hazards, of plastic; that we think about the life (humans, plants, animals) and about the value safety of life of every living creature living on this planet earth. It is high time that we think about the destruction that we have done to this Fragile Earth and it's natural resources and it's ecosystem. Let's introspect and let's act like humans and save the planet earth from any further destruction and pollution. Let's plegde to say "No to Plastic" and "Yes to Life": be it life of humans, plants or animals: living on the earth or in the waters.
© (writer) Saqib Sarwar Mir