

Nuclear Fallout The Search Part 1
War has come; humanity chose Nuclear fallout. Many did not live, but some creatures not affected by the war lived—particularly a squad of Wendigo looking for Moon's daughter, Asteria Belmont.The daughter of Trevor and Moon Belmont. Days these creatures go on without rest; they talk to each other to keep them from getting bored. They searched day and night, Hoping our girl Asteria would show up, But to their surprise, they ran into Aerion Helsing; he saw them thinking, oh, is this mother squad? The wendigos talk about the moon and asteria; Aerion listens closely but does not yet approach. He waits patiently but soon discovered by Sebastian.

Sebastian: and what do we have here? A hunter watching in the bushes; hmm, you look familiar

Sebastian looked at Aerion very closely; the shine in Aerion's eyes sparkled

Sebastian: tell me, are you alone?

Aerion: I am, yes, but who are you

Sebastian explains who they are looking for and why, but in cautious terms, Aerion listens and finally fully realizes this is his mother's squad; he offers to take them back to base. They all head back to the base
wendigos is excited but asking questions

Ashura: So your mother's son, and she had a daughter?

Aerion: yes, I am, and yes, Asteria Belmont

Ashura: Is mother alive?

Aerion: No, she is not; she and Trevor both died

Ashura: and your father

Aerion: Nolan has been quiet since she died

Ashura: understandable, so Asteria Belmont, Aerion Helsing, tell me did she also have a child with Simon

Aerion: that I don't know yet; even if she did, we haven't seen him yet, but I'm familiar with who you are talking about

Ashura: wow, mother got busy

Aerion: yeah, she did, but all of you will love Asteria; think of Mother but a mix with Trevor

They all smiled, waiting to see our glorious Asteria. By nightfall, they made it back to the base. You could hear Asteria talking and Wendigos, super excited. Aerion announced he was home; she smiled

Asteria: welcome back; who did you find?

Aerion: if I'm correct, your mother, Wendigos

They all talked; Asteria was pleased but also drank a little something. Nolan joined the conversation as well; he seemed happy. Soon, they would all head to bed, Aerion snuggling Asteria; the wendigos surrounded them, protecting them.