

Forced marriage turned out to my lucky marriage ( part:4)
Alan and Adrian are out on a mission to track down the criminals they want to find. Both of them sat at a coffee shop to drink coffee. And Alan saw Adrian who was lost in deep thought.

Alan: Adrian?

Adrian: mm...? ( with worried face)

Alan: Are you OK?

Adrian: yes why?

Alan: What were you thinking so deeply?

Adrian took a deep breath and said, "Luna, I don't know whether she married me by her own choice or because of someone's force."

Alan who was drinking coffee stopped immediately. And looked at Adrian and said, "Why do you feel like this suddenly?"

After drinking coffee they left for their work.

At 12:30, Luna comes to the supermarket for shopping. And she was searching for something in her bag due to which she collided with a man who came running in front of her.

Luna loses her balance and starts falling but the guy there stops her from falling. The eyes of both meet each other.

Luna can't believe her eyes. That this guy was not just anyone but he was her ex-boyfriend Nick.

When Nick finds out that it is Luna, he runs away from there without saying anything to her.

Luna: (Tries to stop Nick) Nick stop... I want to talk to you!!!!

But nick didn't stopped....

Nick was running very quickly as if someone was chasing him. Luna started walking sadly and bumped into Adrian.

Luna: Ah... (Starts falling.)

Adrian grabs Luna.

Adrian: Are you OK ?

Luna nods...

Luna: what are you doing here ?

Then Alan also comes there.

Alan: Adrian we have to hurry...

Then Adrian says bye to Luna and leaves with Alan.

It's 10 o'clock at night but Adrian still hasn't come home. Even though Luna doesn't love Adrian, she is a little worried about him because he always comes home from his job by 6 in the evening.

She sits worried and then someone comes and knocks at the door. Luna goes and opens the door.

Then Adrian was standing leaning against the wall. And he goes inside the house without saying anything to Luna. Because he didn't want Luna to be worried about him.

Luna looked at Adrien's hand where it was bleeding.

Luna: your hand!!

Adrien but with a smile forbade Luna from being upset for him.

Adrian goes to his room.

But Luna was not feeling good. So she prepares hot soup and goes to Adrian.

Opens the door... And said to Adrian, "Take this, drink it hot and get some rest."

Adrian is very happy because Luna is taking care of him.

To be continued

© siyu_story