

The strange town
Once in a little town named Brookstone Wells lived a young girl named Bella. She recently moved to the town and was looking forward into meeting new people. But ever since she moved to that town something sinister lurks beneath within of that town. The people there never spoke to each other they all moved emotionless and wandered the streets of the town and would always gather at the Times Square for a meeting at full moon. Which she found strange and very creepy indeed. On the next full moon she decided to go to where they meet at too see what was going on. When full moon came she went to the gathering where everybody in the town was at . They all gathered in a circle surrounding an ancient object chanting something in a different language she couldn't understand. One of the people saw her and everyone stared at her blankly. She felt there eyes piercing through her soul. She felt creeped out by the sight. She ran home and locked all her doors and windows. She couldn't sleep that night and was washed over with dread. Something about the town and people felt strange and creepy. She packed up and left the next day as they all stared at her as she drove away.
© lovely