

The Hidden Threat
My name is Steve. I'm 18 years old, and I still live in the house where I had my most horrible experience. This happened about two years ago. There was an abandoned house right next to ours. No one lived there. One night, at almost 3 AM, my phone rang. It was an alarm. I was surprised because I never set an alarm for 3 AM. The title of the alarm was 'UNDER'. I thought maybe it was a prank from my brother, so I didn't think much of it and went back to sleep. The next night, it happened again. The alarm rang, and this time the title was 'YOUR'. It was really annoying. What the hell was happening? The next day, I asked my brother if he did this. He replied, "No, I'm not the one doing these kinds of pranks". Just by looking at him, I could tell he wasn't lying. Then who the hell did this? I know my parents very well, and they aren't the kind of people to play such pranks. That night, it happened again. At 3 AM, the alarm rang. This time, the title was BED. I was really angry and frustrated. Then, I realized something that gave me goosebumps. These three words made a sentence: "Under your bed." My anger turned into fear. Whoever was doing this was now under my bed. I was frozen with fear. My heart rate increased as I stared at my bed. I couldn't move my body. Then, I felt someone grab my hand. I screamed as loud as possible. A man crawled out from under my bed, holding a knife. He was about to stab me, but right on time, my father came in with a bat. He hit the man, and he lost consciousness. My father called the police, who arrived and arrested him. My parents and I were shocked when we found out the truth. This man was our neighbor. He owned the abandoned house and had dug a tunnel from his house that opened into my room. According to the police, the man was mentally unstable and had killed his wife and his next target was me. I still thank my father for that day, and I can't forgive that a killer lived under my bed for days. It's a terrifying thought to know someone like that was so close to me without my knowledge.