

* Her Mind *
I still scream in my mind.
Some days I let it out.
Some days it comes in silent tears when I'm paralysed in fear.
I still crawl into my shell.
Terrified someone will see.
Terrified someone will think I can take some more.
I cannot please.
Please spare my sanity.
Please spare my memories from being filled with hatred for myself.
I hate my body now.
It's nothing but used.
It's nothing but a reminder of the fear and pain and filthy touches.

I'm supposed to live.
Keep it quiet.
I'm supposed to be strong.
Forget about it.
But I cannot.
It replays in my mind trapping me in myself.

Keep quiet?
Do I have a choice?
I'll be blamed if I don't.
"Oh her dress was too revealing.
Oh her behaviour is too open.
Oh she's too brave walking all alone."
I'm sorry how is it my fault that I have been raised with self respect and self confidence?
Can your precious "men" not handle themselves with that same self respect as well?
Stooping so low as to become inhumane - not even deserving to be called Human anymore.

Forget about it?
How do you forget touches you can never scrub off your body?
How do you forget the fear and pain of being unable to protect yourself?
How do you forget and move on from the hatred you now have for your body?
My body was mine but no it was used and now I can no longer love it.
I can no longer live in it everyday when every reflection of myself shows me nothing but repulsive memories.

Who am I?
I'm the comfident woman you see walking to her workplace everyday.
I'm the cheerful girl you see with a smile everyday on campus.
I'm the little girl you passed by who was playing so innocently.
I am the females you see.

#quoteoftheday #Poetry #WritcoQuote
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