

Trinity was running through the forest her lungs were burning and heart almost exploding but she wouldn't dare stop for what was coming for her would show no mercy.
She continued to dash until she suddenly fell over and that's when she saw it, her leg was completely mangled and she only started to feel the pain now after the adrenaline had worn off.

"Ha, ha, ha. For a moment there, I thought I you would escape from me."
A man sitting on a black horse with blue flames on it's tail said as he came into view.
He had a scar across his face that had a red glow making his dark skin seem more terrifying.
He got off the horse and walked up to Trinity who was sitting up against a tree trunk with her leg bloody and her nose bleeding.
"Tell me where the relic is and I won't punish you as much." The man said and smiled at Trinity but you could see the sheer anger behind his smile.
"Uncle Lind, I swear I didn't take it. I don't know where it is, I swear I was just cleaning up where Tella and Andrew had told me to."
Trinity cried out to the man with pain laced in her voice.

"Ok. Fine! You won't tell me, then I'll just force you." The man said and touched her for a moment and her whole body started healing not leaving a single scar behind. Right after the process was done the man got a spear and blue flames surrounded it right before he stabbed it into Trinity's shoulder.
Trinity screamed out in pain.
"Uncle I swear, I swear I didn't do it."
Trinity cried out once more and passed out.
"The relic has to be on her somewhere, search her for it."
The man known as Uncle Lind commanded the group of men wearing grey armour to search her.
The men came close to her and one man lifted her up and put a pill in her mouth without any of them seeing it.
Trinity regained her consciousness and then stayed there not moving hoping to run for it the moment a chance arises.
Still being held up by one arm she could feel the strain on her shoulder and arm.
" I am going to drop you and you will run and you won't stop until you reach the dark forest okay."
A voice in her head was heard .
She agreed and then lightning struck the ground and she was dropped by the man, she started running once again and she put in all the energy left in her tiny body. She ran and the men were not too far away on their beasts .
She ran and finally she could see the dark forest. A line made of red ran across a certain place marking the beginning of the dark forest.
She ran and reached the forest and ran some more to get deeper into the forest.
The men came chasing from behind but the beasts stopped and didn't cross the red line.
" Sir should we go in on foot and get her?"
The man on the right of Lind asked.
" No, we will not risk the lives of my precious soldiers to get useless scum like her. Anyway with her luck she will be eaten by the time the sun rises tomorrow .