

Angels & Demons
Every angel is not in heaven and every demon is not in hell like most people think. The angels above are the servants of god and the fallen angels below are the servants of the devil! They both live to serve their master and creator but to also carry out their purpose. Some of the servants are brought down to the earth to complete their task while the others remain where they are. God gives each of his angels an assignment and the devil does the same for his demons. Both angels and demons have things that they were assigned to do and they must obey. Each of them has to work twenty four seven; whether in the world among us living people or out of this world. There are people who look like a person but could be part angel or part demon. Crossbreeds are very different than an average typical ordinary person. They have abnormal abilities; which means they can do things that a normal human being can't do. My feelings about the works of evil that is being done against me and my loved one is that the reason why it is so strong, so unstoppable, and so difficult for us to avoid is because there is a large number of hybrid humans doing it together every minute. When the strength of multiple sources are conjoined and combined; it causes a powerful effect but that's not all. I think they are probably mixing black magic with their natural inhuman abilities. #angels #angel #demons #demon #servants #servant #assignments #mission #agenda #agendas
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