

Chapter 1 of PRAY MAN
An immortal who's name is Daryl  has been practicing the art of praying for nearly a million years, because after one more day Daryl will have been practicing praying for a million years exactly. Tomorrow is it Daryl says to his good friend who's name is Khloe, then Khloe says tomorrow is what, then Daryl says, tomorrow is the day I will have been practicing the art of preying for a million years, wow, a million years the that's a mighty long time Khloe says, then Khloe says to Daryl, and what do you feel you've achieved with all this practicing praying, Khloe says to Daryl, then Daryl says to Khloe, don't tell anyone but I've been working on a project that I started working on hundreds of thousands of years ago, and what would that project be Khloe says, then Daryl says it's a project I call project Master Prayer, wich is a prayer that can grant whoever prayers it anything they prayer for, that's impossible Khloe says, you always come up with silly things Daryl, Khloe says, it's true Daryl says I'll prove it to you one day.

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