

The New House - A Horror Short Story
There stood a house unlike any other, in the rural fields of Rollestone. The locals whispered of its dark past, warning newcomers to steer clear of its eerie presence. Sam and Samantha, a young couple in search of a fresh start, were undeterred by the rumors that surrounded the old Victorian mansion.

The day they moved in, a chill swept through the air, sending shivers down Samantha's spine. Sam tried to reassure her, dismissing her unease as mere jitters from the move. As night fell, strange sounds echoed through the empty rooms – whispers that seemed to come from the walls themselves.

Samantha's dreams were plagued by visions of shadowy figures lurking in the corners of their new home. She awoke each morning with a sense of dread gnawing at her insides. Sam, too, began to notice strange occurrences – objects moving on their own, doors slamming shut without cause.

One evening, as they sat down for dinner, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the house into darkness. Samantha's heart raced as she fumbled for a flashlight, her hands trembling with fear. In the dim glow, they heard footsteps approaching, slow and deliberate.

A chill ran down Samantha's spine as a voice whispered in her ear, icy and malevolent, "Get out." Sam's face drained of color as he turned to see a ghostly figure standing before them, its eyes filled with malice.

Terrified, they fled the house, never looking back. As they reached the safety of the street, the mansion loomed behind them, its windows glowing with an otherworldly light. The whispers grew louder, a chorus of lost souls begging for release.

To this day, the house stands empty, its dark secrets hidden within its walls. The townspeople avoid it, speaking in hushed tones of the curse that haunts the new house on the hill, where the living dare not tread.