

Issues in today's society
Issues in today’s society

. racism
. religion
. sexuality
. wealth

I strongly believe that today’s society there is a lot of problems that are not being address which causes emotional and mental break downs, which is not good for the human body this occurs worldwide. There is an abundance of issues occurring but I want to touch base on the crucial problems that are corrupting the minds of youths from a young age. These problems are Racism, religion, sexuality and wealth. I put great confidence in talking about these problems from my point of view due to personal experience.

Racism is address as the act of being prejudice or discriminating someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s race is superior to others. There are many different races which are blacks, whites, Indians, Chinese and Koreans all race is tremendously and wonderfully made. Racism was definitely a manmade thing which evolved from slavery the white people looked down on the black people due to their skin color which still happens up to this day in society. Racism caused war among the slaves and the plantation owners which never stopped but developed into a problem whereas families with mixed people and whites would not cross paths due to being racist this breaks the love that is supposed to be in families. People who are in relationships out of their race has to be broken up because parents don’t accept them being with others of different race. Children who are born into families like this tend to grow up thinking that’s the right way to live and they carry on living life like this and their children tend to do the same since it is said that children say and do everything that is said and done to them. Racism causes bulling which then escalates into self-harming low self-esteem and emotional damage due to uprising of racism.
Religion as u may know is the beliefs of worshiping a superhuman controlling power referred to as god. There are many religions Christians, Hindus, Muslims and rarely mentioned atheist (a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of god). Religion is an amazing thing worshiping and having faith in something that keeps you going on a day to day basis. Religion is supposed to bring people together and helping each other have faith in the superhuman above referred to as good. But there are some problems with this people of this day and age tend to bash other religion thinking that their religion is superior to another and that everyone is wrong for having their own believes. People tend to believe that religion separates man (opinion). Discrimination of religion happens by others talking down on religions in churches and temples people are being pressured to turn over to a religion or to not associate with different religious holidays. These are the issues that occurring in religion.
Sexuality peoples, sexual interest in and attraction to others. Sexuality is not something I want to speak on but believes it needs to be spoken about. There are different types of sexuality’s heterosexual homosexual and bisexual. People who are homosexual are being judge every day of their life and not being able to live their life as they should and are not comfortable in their own skin due to this problem. I’ve drawn this as a point of view while conversing with a classmate if a boy grew up in a home where his mother is an alcoholic and he is being abuse and he turns to a guy friend who he trusts and start feeling loved and protected by him and they ended up being in a relationship we as society are not in place to judge because we don’t know what made him turn to the life he did same with a girl who has been raped by an guy she will turn away from guys and trust girls vice versa it does not always happens like this some people who are homosexual like to be this way ,yes it is a sin! but we all sin every day and this is the path that they decided to go down. I am not for nor, I am against people who are homosexual I deeply believe that everyone deserves to be in love no matter girl and guy, guy and guy or girl and girl love is all-round. The bullying needs to be stopped due to people being bullied there is a drastic amount of suicide being committed worldwide.

Wealth defined as an abundance of valuable possessions or money. Money as we all know is a huge must in life very important almost as important as the life’s essentials itself money can be a human favorite gift we all want to travel go all over and get nice stuff we need money for this. But what about the part about money being the root of all evil (opinion). In order to have status you must have money in, the days of slavery if you were poor you would appear at the base of the social pyramid. Wealthy people tend to look down on middle and lower class people and think that they can take advantage of them forgetting that they are also human beings just not as wealthy as others. There are children who are doing wrong things due to being bullied about not having nice stuff like others children starts to break into places becoming prostitute’s selling drugs and grow up living this life due to being bullied.

To concluded this essay, I would like to say as it is showed in the essay everyone should be treated equally but it is not happening and this cause’s The problems in society and I hope for those who took the time to read it inspired you in some way to stop themselves and others from adding to the problems.