

murder for what? part 4
My mother was buying drugs and helping someone sell them. I started following my mom and then I learned that the drug traffickers were your boyfriend and step-father. I couldn’t take it anymore. They found out somehow that I knew that they were trafficking drugs and they killed my mother. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t tell the police because I learned not to count on them. They were the once who killed my father and then later learned they accused the wrong person. I couldn’t trust them. They wouldn’t even believe me. I decided to get revenge and kill them but I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I was still too weak. I started feeling that someone was always following me and I tried my best to ignore them. I finally got tired of them and I laid out a trap for them. I went to the basement and I took the gun mom thought she could hide from me. He fell into that trap and I killed him right away without asking questions. I’ve seen to many movies to be that stupid. Later that day I went to your boyfriend’s house to kill him but I saw him with another girl. I couldn’t believe he was playing you and I was furious about it. I went right away to his house. For some reason his parents weren’t home and he was living alone. The girl ran away right away when she saw me and I took out my gun and pointed it at him as she left. He started laughing in that moment like I wouldn’t shoot. I was so angry that I actually shot him in the test. I ran away and I went to your house. I left your boyfriend there to bleed out and die. It was my fault he died and I blamed myself for it. I knew what I did was awful but still I felt like I did the right thing. I know that I must be crazy for thinking that. Your step-dad saw me outside and he took out his rifle. He pointed it at me and I started running.

© Samantha_Ayala