

That Swim Lesson Of Fright
I know some things have changed but the world is strange right now. So much going so on I could hardly keep my head over water in a sea of so much about. You see I was a swing instructor and I had this class at this pool where
the people were ghost. Yes the rich owners left instructions to always hire a life guard even if no one is at the pool living. I sit there and watch as they come to life and interact with one another. You could say I get paided to day dream.
So I got a pen and paper an I write down what I see. An it's all so entertaining that I wrote a story and told my friends about it when I got off
work. Over some wine and sodas so one friend was real interested but he was into the after life so. And he started getting strange he followed me to work
And then swam with the ghost. And he did this everyday until he disappeared.
And I was like what where did he go.
You see the laws of average you hang with ghost you turn into one. Now when I go to work I see him and what ever happened to his real body who knows. But when I work there I don't get to mixed up in the drama because
it can over take me and then I will be lost in it myself. So watch yourselfs all over the world people everywhere I hope you here the message be Alert An Watch out hmmm.
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