

Bali Bates was a middle age high school drop out working a minimum wage job cleaning offices in a five story building on Macon and Summerset Dr.
This part of town were she lived in Celcrest was known as up town worked by what she called the well to dos.
There was a security guard that would let her in the building each night after all the well to doers had gone home for the evening.
She pushed a cart with different cleaning products some rags a vacuum and broom.
Each night she'd start on the fifth floor as her cleaning was only four offices of Blakely and Moore Realty.
Their offices were always spotless all do to Bali everything shines from doorknobs to desktops.
Each office were different in styles of each partner of the Realtor in the partnership giving her a feeling of what kind of a person they each were.
The black office was her favorite although she didn't quite know what to make of it,it being so plain without a lot of trinkets like the other three were.
That office puzzled her more like intrigued her wondering why it wasn't crammed full of trinkets.
There was only one picture on the desk of two men and the licenses of the Realtor on the wall no name plate like the others easy to keep clean without all the dusting and polish for the others.
Bali always cleaned the black office last seeing it was on the ground floor her working her way down where she would leave her cart for the security guard to take back to the fifth floor.
Finished Ms Bates have a nice rest of the night he would say as she walked over to sign out.
It was about 12 now as she got into her car parked right in front of the building there were no parking there but she wasn't about to park in that garage.
The garage was always dark and creepy in the day time let alone the night. Bali drove home thinking about those two guys in the picture were they a couple or just friends or brothers no matter she thought. Her house was a rental a small almost newly built two bedrooms one bath cookie cut house with a small sitting porch and back yard.
Her house was nothing fancy not what she really wanted but it was a roof over head to be warm dry and cool. The house that she really wants is not a rental but she can't afford the payment to buy a house with no credit.
As she pass through her neighborhood she thought she must be the only person out at 12 something at night. All the houses were long dark by now people long warm, cozy sleeping.
She always left the light on over her stove not to come home to a dark house because that's kinda scary. After getting ready for bed not being able to sleep right away she read until falling asleep with the book lying in her chest. The next morning she woke up with that picture on her mind he stuck out you see the white of his slightly slanted eyes so white she said. The other guy in the picture wasn't remembered but those eyes stayed with her for some reason.
Bali days were free to her liking and that big oak tree in her back yard looked very inviting for a nice group of lawn chairs but for now that one will do.
She got the book that she was reading a pillow ready to relax when her cell rang,
Hey girl' it was Daisy a friend that invited Bali to her house warming.
You coming Daisy asked,
That's today,
Yeah you better come too Daisy said,
I'm there girl let me get dressed.
Not knowing what to wear Bail just put on some black jeans, a white Polo never dressing fancy, fancy wasn't for her it's too expensive.
Bali never liked parties but this was her friend and she's just buying a new house of course she would celebrate with her.
There weren't many people there her husband Danny a few more of her friends her mom her two brothers and some others that Bali didn't know.
When she got there Dasiy put her but to work with a tray of wine glasses to carry around to guest.
Walking around from person to person there was the eyes Bail looked away not to stare moving away quickly to the next guest. Her mind went blank she went to the kitchen sat the tray down still blank
I need more glasses she said, thanks girl Daisy said.
When the tray was filled Bali went back to where she left off with drinks head down looking only at the wine glasses she as passed by the man.
Who is he?
Later that evening as the guest were relaxing into the party talking, Daisy came over to thank Bali for being there and asked her to collect empty glasses that sat about.
As Bali got up in a very quite voice she asked,
Daisy who is that man in the navy blue blazer the tall one,
Waiting until they got to the kitchen Daisy said,
that's Darwin Moore of Blakely and Moore Realty
he helped us get the house and went out of his way doing it.
He did everything he could to make sure that we got this house he's also a good friend of Danny's.
Why ? he's nice looking ain't he.
The man with him is his brother they're the partners with the Blakelys you clean their offices and never met them.
No I was hired through Team Temp and I go in at
8:00 nobody is ever there I saw him on a picture in one of the offices.
You never met him Daisy asked?
No' I never met any of them my checks are direct deposit why should I have.
Bali went out with the tray started collecting empty wine glasses picking up loose napkins and plates helping clean up.
Do you know how hard it is to keep your eyes and mind off a person that has peeked your curiosity?
He wasn't really anything special he was kinda tall clean cut graying with age neatly dressed but not over dressed.
But still this was someone that could hold your attention or at least Bali's.

© writer2