

murder for what? part 3
He stabbed me with that knife and I almost fell to the ground. He was about to kill me but then out of nowhere your step-father popped out. He started yelling at your boyfriend for trying to kill me out here but I was about to pass out. I couldn’t understand much but out of nowhere they started running. I passed out and I couldn’t tell what was happening. I thought I was about to die at that moment. Your boyfriend isn’t the person you believe he is and neither is your step-father. Soon after I woke up in a hospital bed. My mother was beside me holding my hand. She had tears in her eyes and then I noticed that the police were behind her. They noticed I regained consciousness and they made my mom leave. They started asking me all these questions but it seemed like nothing would come out of my mouth. The doctors finally came and they told us that I was in shock and I couldn’t say anything until the shock went away. I didn’t know what I could do in that situation. The doctor asked the officers to leave and then I got some rest. I didn’t know how I could sleep but there was nothing I could do. I felt so weak. I felt like I couldn’t do anything. I wondered why I was so weak. I just hoped that nothing bad would happen. Why am I this way? I thought the whole time I was in the hospital. I had to stay in the hospital until my shock was gone. A day passed and out of nowhere I could talk again. I don’t know what I did or the doctors but I was able to talk and I was grateful. My mother visited me but she looked stressed and sad. I needed to get home as soon as possible. Thankfully the wound your boyfriend gave me wasn’t that bad and I was able to go home soon. Out of nowhere my mother started abusing me and getting angry about every little thing. I started investigating and I didn’t want to believe what I found out.

© Samantha_Ayala