

Easter With Parcullea Schenck
In March 30 1980 there was a 73 year old woman named Parcullea Schenck. She stayed in a big house she stays alone she doesn't have nobody living with her. Easter was tomorrow and Parcullea wanted to fix the easter dinner and she wanted all of her family to come over. Parcullea loved easter it is the celebration of Jesus arose from the dead Parcullea's parents tells her the beautiful story when they were alive and she was a little girl she loves when her parents tells her the easter of Jesus after Jesus died in three days he arose from the dead it makes Parcullea happy and when Parcullea got older she told her children the true story of Jesus they loved it so that day on Parcullea was calling all of her family over for the Easter Sunday's dinner over at her house. Parcullea wanted to invite her siblings Angelo Williams Jr., Angela Steinfeld, Michelle Harrington, and Vol'Tram Williams and Parcullea also wanted to invite her children Jarene Saxon, Byron Schenck, Clayton Schenck, Clarabel Schwartz, and Tarah Smith. When Easter Sunday came Parcullea's family came over to her house for the Sunday's Easter she started cooking the Easter dinner after she finished cooking she called her family over to the table and eat she said the grace after that they all ate. After eating Parcullea and her family did bible study they loved bible study it was the best family thing ever. Parcullea told the story about Jesus being resurrected from the dead the family sat and listened to Parcullea she also spoke on him returning as a king back to the earth. The family believed it they loved Parcullea telling the bible stories and Parcullea is very happy that all of her family came to her house to eat with her and fellowship with her.
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