

All Okay (Day 1- Monday)
Hi! My name is Ross and I am here to tell you all the story of my life that will change your perspective of your life.

Be patient

Day 1- Monday

On a beautiful monday morning, I was awaken by the aroma of the nature's bliss that reached my room through the open window.

I got up to get ready for my college that is barely 2 kms of walk from my hostel and by the meantime, I had to do all the household chores that my roomie had left for me.

I live in room no. 404 in the University hostel A and its my fresher year so I'm kind of excited to meet all the new people, make friends, do parties all night and finally study well.

By all the daydreaming, I got late to r
go to my economics class and thank God when I went there, Mr Darcy (Our professor) didn't arrive.

I went inside the lecture hall and on the first seat, I saw Hazel aka Hazy the girl from the neighbouring hostel that I saw on the first day.

She was reading and she had put on airpods to minimise the chatter from the class, I felt that I should talk to her about her college plans but then I realised that I don't have that guts.

So like a home sweet boy, I took the second row seat just behind her and when I was unpacking my bag, I felt that she had notice me and was turning to talk to me but in the meantime Mr Darcy arrived with his assistant to teach us about the oligopoly graph (Economics related XD).

The class went around for 2 straight hours and I left the hall to go to the cafeteria and then I herd 'Hey Ross' and then I turned, omg its Hazy

She said where the hell was I going and out of nervousness I replied 'excuse me' and she jokingly said why I didn't said her 'Hi' in the lecture hall.

I replied that I had no intention to disturb her when she was reading just to ignore the other people in the class.

She laughed out loud to hear my innocence and then she offered me coffee which I accepted very nervously.

Then we talked about an hour related to college stuff and then we exchanged phone numbers.

I went back to room and thought how blissful the day was and then I got a text from Hazy saying " Can we also meet tomorrow for the coffee, Ross?"

I replied" Hmm, tomorrow I'll pay the bill XD"

This was my best day.
© Avish