

Missing Half
The Missing Half

Polly was washing her dinner dishes. She was gazing out the kitchen window with sadness in her heart.she missed the fun they used to have in the backyard with their friends and family. She loved being a couple with Derek. He would always make people laugh with his magic tricks and sense of humor. A tear was running down her cheek when her cell phone rang.

She looked at the name on the screen. It was her sister Stacy. “Hello Stacy, how are you?” She said with no emotion into the phone.

“The better question is How are You? Where were you tonight? We made a beautiful dinner and got the wine you liked. We are worried.”
Her sister said with a bit of an aggravated tone.

Polly knew if she told the truth it would just upset her more.So with nothing to say Polly remained noticeably quiet. “Polly you need to let go! I’m sorry to sound a bit cold but it’s been 5 years since Derek died. I know you loved him, we all did, he was a beautiful man with a nice heart. Please Polly this isn’t healthy for you.”

Her tears were falling like rain. Polly was again at a loss for words are emotions were taking over. She loved her sister very much but tonight she didn’t want to talk to her and she didn’t want to talk to anybody she just wanted to be left alone. She gathered up what little self control she had and she said “ I’m not feeling well Stacy. I’m sorry I missed dinner. Today is the anniversary of the night I got the news. Good night Stacy. I will call you tomorrow.”
Polly didn’t wait for a response she just hung up the phone.

She looked at the few dishes left in the sink. She was too upset to continue. Polly just turned and went upstairs to her bedroom. On her way she passed by the pictures of her and Derek she had on the walls. Stacy said she should take them down. But Stacy didn’t love Derek like she did. He was her world. Her favorite picture was the one where they went camping in Yellowstone park. It’s where Derek proposed to her over a beautiful campfire.she can still taste the wine on his lips when he kissed her after she said yes.

After a long shower Polly went to bed.while staring at the ceiling in the dark, she remembers the night the police came to her door. They Said Derek had gone missing while camping with Brad in New Hampshire. They claimed he wandered off and got lost. They spent 2 weeks looking for him. They never found anything. No trail, no articles of clothing, and no clues left behind. After two weeks she was told to abandon all hope.

Polly never accepted the narrative of how they say he went missing. Derek wasn’t just a tourist in the forest. Derek was an ex Special forces soldier. Before she met him he served in the military for 10 years. He was trained in not only physical combat but also survival in any condition. Polly and Derek went camping every chance they got. She doesn’t believe her intelligent husband would just “wander” off.
Polly closed her tearing eyes and fades off to sleep missing her only true love.

Part 2

Polly worked at a small doctors office in the city. She didn’t make a lot of money but it was enough to get by. She had a little cluttered cubicle in the corner where she sat every day answering phones and filing paperwork. She got along with everybody she worked with and her coworkers would say that she was a kind professional woman but deep down she hid an undying loneliness.
She walked into her cubicle and took off her sweater. She placed her favorite sweater on the back of her chair. And she placed her purse underneath her desk like she does every other day. As she sat down at her chair she noticed there was a strange phone on her desk It had an Inscription
Polly sat back in her chair just staring at this phone on her desk she wondered who could’ve left this ? What should she do? She tried to turn it on to see if she could find some way of finding out who It was from.. But try and try as she did ,it would not come on. The screen stayed black. She turned it over and over but could not find any markings on it.it was neither and Apple or an Android. Although it look closer to an iPhone ten she had years ago.

After some thought Polly decided to leave it on her desk the entire day. If nobody came back asking questions then she would take it home. She didn’t know too much about cell phones other than basic operations and posting on Facebook. But she knew there were training videos for anything on the internet. Maybe there was a way to turn it on. With that Polly turned on her computer adjusted her wedding photo and got to work……..

Part 3
Polly got home a little late tonight. Her boss held a meeting about staffing issues. Told everyone they must work harder to compensate for others being out excessively.
Then pulled Polly aside to say her husband is taking her on a surprise vacation in three days. All Polly could think was….My Boss is a fucking..jerk. By the time she got home she was tired and her feet hurt. She looked down at her set of keys. She had a keychain with a picture of Derek in a muscle shirt and that stupid tattoo he had to have. She smiled, first time in weeks….You Have One New Message!!

Part 4

Polly jumped out of her skin! She immediately pulled her phone from her purse and spilling the contents on the floor. She nervously looked at her phone screen she saw nothing to indicate it was her phone
Increased. She looks at the mess on the floor. It’s the phone from work!! What the hell is going on she thinks.

Polly grabs the phone and sits at the kitchen table. Her cat, skittles is frazzled by all the drama and runs under her favorite table in the bedroom. She holds the phone nervously. With a shaking finger she clicks the message on the screen. “ Polly it’s me it’s Derek. It’s a very long story but I am alive. You must not call or speak to anyone until I see you….” Polly didn’t know if this was a fucking joke or real her emotions were going crazy. She continues to read on…”there’s not much time. I’ve been on a top secret mission. I’ve been trying desperately to reach you darling. I know it’s hard to believe. I’m sending someone to pick you up tonight. He will have proof my love.
Go with him. Trust him, he is my friend. He will bring you to me. Do not contact ANYONE it’s for your safety darling be patient and I will tell you everything. I love you More then this entire universe. Your D-man is coming home. Love Derek……

Part 5

It had been several hours since she received the text. She wanted desperately to
Call her sister but she had to trust this was real and if it was real she was in no mood to fuck it up. She wished every wish she had to see her Derek again.


Pollys heart was racing as she headed towards the door. As she got closer she could see a dark shadow of someone on the other side of the door.”Who is it?”She asked nervously. “My name is specialist Curtis. Your Husband, Captain Rawlings sent me to escort you to the ship.”
Polly was completely caught unawares. She had so many questions. She opened the door to find a young man in some kind of special suit. It looked like a thin version of the space suits she had seen in movies. “Where is Derek? Where are you taking me ? What is going on?” She broke down with tears of confusion. “ Mrs Rawlings my mission is to escort you immediately to the ship you are not to contact anyone or bring anything. We must leave now Mrs Rawlings. I promised your husband personally I would complete my mission “

After a few moments she realized if she wanted to see Derek she must do as he says. They walked in the darkness to the black pickup truck in her driveway. Once they were on the road the soldier spoke up. “Where we are going is very top secret. Captain Rawlings has been trying to get back to as quickly as possible. He told us that we are doing this mission for all our families and loved ones.”
“Mission!! What mission? Derek got lost in the woods! What are you talking about son?” Asked Polly as they turned down and unmarked dirt road.
“We are almost there. I can not talk to you now.” With that the soldier started talking into his radio. The voices coming from the radio were not English at all. She noticed the soldier was speaking in the same fashion. From out of the mist three more black trucks appeared. Polly turned to the soldier with a look of concern. He look back and gave a friendly smile and said.”the Captain is just up ahead.”

The forest broke open into a cut out field. In the middle of the field was a very large craft of some kind. It didn’t look like any plane she had seen before. It had no wings of any kind. The shape was almost oval maybe circular, it was dark. There were men walking around in these “space suits “ the specialist had on. They stopped at a ramp that went up into the massive craft.
She looked over at her young escort. He was holding what appeared to be a black cloth bag. He look apologetically at her “I’m sorry Mrs Rawlings but these orders come directly from the Captain. I have to put this over your head until we get you to the Captain.”

Part 6

There must have been some type of sedation
Fluid on the mask. Polly felt herself waking up. She found herself in what would appear to be an office of some type.She was laying on a nice couch when she rubbed her eyes to get a better view of the place. She saw pictures of her husband and he was with some men. But they were not human beings!!
“Holy shit ! What is going on!” She said to herself.
The office door open and there was a man in the doorway with a helmet on his face. “Oh damn I’m sorry sweetheart “ the
Man said. He took off his helmet.”Derek Derek oh my god Derek I missed you!!!” She said with happy tears pouring down her face. She hugged him so hard he had trouble breathing.
After they held each other for what seemed like a lifetime they walked over to the couch. Derek got her a glass of wine for her nerves. “Red? Honey you know I hate red wine.” She said with a grateful smile. “Sorry baby where we are going there will be no more wine.” He said to her.
Derek went on to explain that he was picked up by the CIA. When he was in the special forces many years ago it wasn’t for earthly combat. Twenty years ago an alien force came to earth. They were at war with another planet. Unfortunately they are a peaceful planet with no combat training. For ten Years Derek helped to train and fight for these aliens. The war is now over.
“So in return they will let anyone who helped them to live out their years on there planet. It’s a beautiful planet. Zero pollution.strong family values. A peaceful and orderly society. Where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.”. He said to his wonderful wife.
She stared at him like the hero he was. “But why can’t we just stay here honey we have a beautiful life here.”
He gave her a serious look and replied “Sweetheart you and I both do not want to raise a child in this world we live in.
We have this one chance to have a dream nobody can have. We will live in peace and harmony. No violence No hatred No pollution. Please darling we must leave in one hour and there will be no return flights “

She gave him a big tearful embrace. “I go Wherever You Will Go.” She whispered gently in his ear.

An hour later the spaceship quietly rose from the forest floor. It hovered for a few moments before it turned towards the heavens. In complete silence there was a flash of light. Then it disappeared into the starry sky

The End

© StephenPuls1970