


Bad choices.

Why..?? Why must I keep making bad choices?.. No for real... can anyone tell me?. Like, Sometimes I think I was a little slow when I was a little girl and no one informed me that they knew. Crazy!!? I just shake my head. I have been to stressed out these days. It is crazy. And I have realized that I make bad choices when I am not at peace. Like always falling for my husband's (whom I am separated from)" set up" questions so we can argue.! No sir nooo sir not today. Not anymore. That bad choice is over with. LADIES HEAR ME.. ARGUING IS BAD FOR THE SOUL AND THE SKIN OK... OH excuse me I had to let my fellow ladies know. Right! Not a bad choice lol. But here I go again making another bad choice. Like going to see shush!! He's not real no more never should have been. A fantasy guy. Such a bad choice. Why you ask.? Because he might not be the fantasy for you that's why. Lol. Open your legs not once, not twice, but 7 times too many?? Lust what a powerful sin. Gotta stay away from it. Maybe I should change my phone number. Well guess I'll get ready for bed. Gotta work in the morning. Until next time.
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